Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Does Ehlers Danlos Look Like? Here is how it affects me.

Hyperelastic Skin

Atrophic Scars

Random Bruising of Unknown Origin

 Hypermobile Elbows

Hypermobile Fingers

Hypermobile Toes

Gorlins Sign

I am also hypermobile in my spine, knees, wrists, ankles and hips.
All of these areas cause me a great deal of pain.


  1. Wow, CL. You just showed me every + sign for EDS I ever learned in med school - and then some! This is fascinating for geeks like me, but I can't imagine how extremely frustrating the pain and scarring and bruising and such must be for you. I'm sorry you must experience these things and hank you for sharing. I look forward to learning more about you and the coping mechanisms you've developed and sharing your adventures. You take care of yourself - and that skin and them joints! ;). Best to you and yours!

  2. Haha! Thats great. I actually posted those pics hoping the medical community would get some benefit from them :)
    It's sad that so many of us go undiagnosed for years when we have such obvious clinical presentation. So I'm glad you got something from them. I went through the ringer with rheumatologists who kept wanting to poke and prod me for autoimmune disorders. I even asked a rheumy about my hypermobility. he bent my elbow (just one) and stated nah it's not that bad o.O

  3. I have all of those and I'm still trying to get a diagnosis. I used to turn my arm around 180° at parties. I am in horrendous pain every day now and am experiencing disabling progressive joint issues.
